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General and Reference Works; African Studies
Index to over 280 English language and multi-lingual journals that specialize in African studies. Includes clickable map.
Bullwinkle, Davis.
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American Literary Studies; General and Reference Works
This ninth and final volume of an analytical bibliography of pre-20th-century American literature, contains information on the works of 14 authors, including prominent figures such as Walt Whitman and less well-known literary figures, as well as bibliographical studies of five US women writers.
Blanck, Jacob, 1906-1974.
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » Z1225 .B55 ... in-library use only
Special Collections » Reference (Non-circulating) » Z1225 .B5 must be paged/requested for in-library use only
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East Asia Studies; General and Reference Works; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East)
Provides citations to western-language periodical articles, chapters in edited volumes, conference proceedings, anthologies, Festschriften, etc. pertaining to east, southeast, and south Asia. Covers 1971 to the present, including full data from the print editions from 1971-1991.
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British and Commonwealth History
The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British Empire and Commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available - from 55BC to the present. It is the successor to the Royal Historical Society Bibliography of British and Irish History, available online from 2002 to 2009. The Bibliography aims to be as comprehensive as is practical for publications since 1900 and has been enriched by co-operation with other projects. Data from the London's Past Online project were added to the database in January 2003 and the first batch of data from Irish History Online was added in August 2004, with further batches from both projects being added later. From the end of 2006 the Bibliography has co-operated with teams working under the auspices of the Scottish Historical Review Trust which will henceforth edit the primarily Scottish titles in the database. All titles included in The Royal Historical Society Bibliography on CD-ROM (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998) are included in the database (with the exception of unpublished theses).
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American History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Race and Ethnicity
Indexes works from the sixteenth century to the present, including monographs, essays, journal articles, dissertations and U.S. and Canadian government publications. Areas covered include native American topics and issues, including education, anthropology, psychology, political science, sociology, and legal and medical research. This bibliography, from Human Relations Areas Files (HRAF), contains the citations from the cumulative eight volumes of the Ethnographic bibliography of North America as well as additional new citations.
Bibliography of native North Americans (Online)
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Jewish Studies; General and Reference Works
A bibliography of all printed Hebrew language books before 1960, as well as works in other languages.
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Art, Architecture and Design
A database search engine covering European and American art from late antiquity to the present. BHA indexes and abstracts art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, and articles from more than 2,500 periodicals. Includes coverage of: Repertoire international de la litterature de l'art (RILA) (published from 1975 to 1989); and: Repertoire d'art et archeologie (RAA) for the years 1973 to 1989.
Bibliography of the history of art (Online)
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Slavic and Eastern European Studies
Rich site of online historical resources and links to other sites with historical resources. Collated by the History Department at Moscow State University. In Russian and English, but most material is in Russian.
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French and Italian Studies; Government Information: International and Foreign
A digital library of more than 7000 reports commissioned by the French government on diverse subjects - cultural, political, social, and governmental. Each report is available as a downloadable PDF.
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The Bielefelder database lists classical and jazz recordings that are and have been available in Germany. It is the primary discography for the recording industry in Germany.
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The BIOBASE Knowledge Library offers a complete range of high-quality databases, knowledge tools and sophisticated software for the life science industry. The TRANSFAC suite of databases includes TRANSCompel which focuses on composite elements, PathoDB which links gene mutations to their corresponding diseases, and S/MARt DB which is designed to analyze eukaryotic regulatory chromatin domains. TRANSPATH is the signal transduction pathway database for modeling complete regulatory networks. The PROTEOME suite of the six protein databases include YPD, HumanPSD, GPCR-PD, WormPD, MycoPath PD and PombePD, all offering a comprehensive data collection on proteins. The databases feature quality content, comprehensive references, disease information, BioKnowledge Transfer and integrated resources. The ExPlain Analysis System is a tool for expression data analysis designed to investigate the regulation of genes of interest and uses this to construct a regulatory network model. ExPlain is offered in a mammalian focused edition along with a plant targeted release for agricultural researchers.
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General and Reference Works
Provides contextual information on the world's most influential people. This database merges Gale's reference content (including Lives & Perspectives) with periodicals and multimedia organized into a portal experience while also allowing users to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, gender, keyword and full text--excerpted from the Gale Databases page on 24 Sept. 2010.
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Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
The Biological Macromolecule Crystallization Database (BMCD) contains molecule, crystal and crystallization data for macromolecules for which diffraction quality crystals have been obtained. These include proteins and nucleic acids, various complexes, and viruses. The BMCD has been available as NIST Standard Reference Database 21 since 1989, one of the earliest Standard Reference Databases at NIST. The current release includes 43,406 crystal entries, up from 14,372 in the previous release. The new data have been extracted from PDB REMARK 280 records. The data have been converted into scientific format (from aggregate text string to individual, numeric data) with error checking and standardization of chemical names. New search features include automatic synonym searches, numeric range searches for macromolecular concentration, pH, temperature, resolution, and year of publication, and combined searches over multiple fields
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Biology; Environmental Studies
BioOne is a full-text aggregation of bioscience research journals. Most are published by small societies and other not-for-profit organizations. Subjects covered by BioOne journals include ecology, evolution, environmental science, natural history, taxonomy, and systematics.
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Environmental Studies; Science (General); Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Biology
Includes cited references to primary journal literature on biological research, medical research findings, and discoveries of new organisms. It covers original research reports and reviews in botany, zoology, and microbiology, and related fields such as biomedical, agriculture, pharmacology, and ecology, and interdisciplinary fields such as medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering, and biotechnology. Available with up to 18 million records to 1926.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Biology
Bird Species of Special Concern (BSSC) Implementation website, a collaboration between PRBO Conservation Science and the California Department of Fish and Game, aims to implement the recommendations detailed in the 2008 BSSC monograph in order to prevent further declines of California's native birds. In addition to the 2008 BSSC report, this site provides access to maps, climate data, and related literature.
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This database provides scientific information for each of the 716 species of birds nesting in the USA and Canada, with image and video galleries showing behaviors, habitat, nests, eggs and nestlings, recordings of bird's songs and calls selected from the collection in Cornell's Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds.
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Economics and Business; News
bizjournals provides links to online editions of the 40 American City Business Journals publications, which offer business news, information, and commentary about their respective markets. Content includes local business news, current headlines, and advice.
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Race and Ethnicity; American History
This primary source collection presents the international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activists themselves. Covering the period 1830-1865, the approximately 15,000 articles, documents, correspondence, proceedings, manuscripts, and literary works of almost 300 Black abolitionists show the full range of their activities in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany. The digital collection reproduces in full the 17 reels of microfilmed content from the original collection and provides a searchable, easily accessible format for research, teaching, and study.

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